Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You have to manage your disease--now what?

After eleven years of doctor visits, medications, procedures and treatment, I have had it. I am so sick of having to go to regular doctor appointments or to a specialist, hoping for some miracle treatment or pill, and finding neither. All I am left with is profound frustration, anger and depression.

I keep hearing the same old line: "Your condition is chronic. You need to manage your condition." Well, that's easier said than done. I have been managing my condition or conditions for eleven years now and I'm failing. I feel like I am swimming in mud, trying my hardest to keep up with my exercises, eating habits, sleeping habits and overall mood. I've been told that having a positive mind helps with chronic conditions. Really? Like I never thought of that before.

Obviously, today is not one of my 'positive' days. I'm dealing with one of my headaches and neck pain, probably because I didn't sleep right last night. This is my private Hell. Anything I do to try and help my pain, fatigue or mood is a temporary fix, and when I say temporary, I mean maybe a couple of hours. As soon as I sit and work at my computer or go to sleep for the night, I have to start all over again. It's getting tired and old.

I wanted to give advice to people trying to manage a chronic disease, but ended up on a rant. And maybe that's my advice: Ranting can be a good thing. I already feel a tiny bit better.

When you want to scream, try smiling.

Colitis Chick