Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Joys of Enemas

In my last post I mentioned that the only treatment that worked for my last flare was a Rowasa enema. When my doctor first brought this up to me, I refused the treatment, but later was mad at myself for not using that treatment sooner. I initially refused the treatment because I pictured this painful, messy process. I remember getting an enema once as a kid and it was anything but fun. Not that the new enema treatments are fun, but they are better than what I remember enduring.

True, it’s kind of a hassle because you have to block out thirty minutes of your time in the evening (the enema has to be done at bedtime so that enough time passes after the last meal) to do the procedure, but I found a way to make the time useful and strangely, relaxing. The treatment comes in this huge box so I couldn’t use the drive thru window at Walgreens, I had to go inside and have the pharmacist ask me if I needed him to explain anything to me in front of all the other people waiting. Of course, I quickly told him I would call if I had any questions and bolted out of there.

For six weeks, every night at bedtime, I had an appointment with a small bottle. That’s one thing I really liked—the treatments come in convenient little bottles that can be tossed in the trash when finished. No mess, well, not quite anyway. This is what I did. I brought in a mat that I use to lay by the pool and covered it with an old towel. I used a couple of other old towels to cushion between my legs (you have to lie on your side) and another one as a pillow. I was able to lie down in the master bathroom, and with the door open, I could watch the television in the master bedroom. I also brought in books to read. It was kind of cool. I had that private, quiet time to myself for thirty minutes. The insertion process doesn’t last thirty minutes, that took maybe a minute, but you are supposed to remain in a reclined position for thirty minutes.

It was pretty easy and I liked it so much better than the pills. The enema works best for people with colitis in the lower part of the colon, but it’s always better to check with your doctor as to what treatment works best.

Cheers and good health!

Colitis Chick


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