Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To Eat or Not to Eat

This is one of the most important decisions when dealing with ulcerative colitis because eating the wrong foods can really suck. Lately I was wondering if it was normal to feel as if I was trying to pass a boulder every time I had a bowel movement. It got to the point where I was afraid to eat. Then I had a big DUH moment doing a search on fiber and how it affects people with colitis. I learned that there are two kinds of fiber. Never knew that. Soluble fiber is good for colitis; insoluble fiber is very bad for people with colitis. All along I had been eating whole wheat because I thought it was good for me, but guess what? It's an insoluble fiber. No wonder I was having so many problems. Since making some adjustments to my diet, things have been better, but not ideal. I suppose having colitis means that things will never be ideal, but it's better than trying to pass a boulder. Believe me.

This site has a list of soluble fibers: http://www.helpforibs.com/diet/fiber1.asp

Having colitis means having to experiment and see which foods work and which foods cause pain, bloating, diarrhea and/or bleeding. Some of the most common offenders for colitis sufferers are dairy products, greasy foods, sugar, raw onions, raw vegetables and red meat. Those are the worst foods for me to eat.

I discovered that Ginger Ale is something I can't live without. It soothes my upset tummy and I drink it every day. White crackers are another food that I can eat and know that it won't make me sick. I call it my comfort food. Some of my favorite soluble fibers are any rice-based foods, bananas, avocados, flour tortillas, pasta and baked potatoes.

It might take some painful experimenting to find the foods that make having colitis a little bit easier to deal with, but it's worth the effort. Just watch out for that nasty insoluble fiber.

Cheers and good health!

Colitis Chick


My mad colon

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